Wednesday, May 27, 2009

BBQ Season

is upon us! Oh, temptation.... but it doesn't have to be all grill meat and mayonnaisey salads. If you're going to a pot-luck style summer party, *you* can be the one to bring something healthy. Then at least you know there can be one thing you can rely on to fill your plate (while still sneaking some grill meat on there... I mean, who can pass up brats and mustard?!?).

I made this HungryGirl broccoli slaw last weekend. While I made too much (aw, darn, more to take home and eat all week?!?) I got some great feedback on it and I think it's a keeper. Tasty, crunchy, spicy-and-sweet, and good stats. And it's super-easy to make, even a certain doctor I know in Richmond could handle this one. :-) Give it a try for your next party!

Plus, bonus pic... here's an example of a nice, well-balanced, nutritionist-approved dinner. A feel-good free-range/antibiotic-free chicken breast, baked with a little chipotle marinade, served with couscous and veggies. The couscous was made with low-sodium chicken broth, cumin, red pepper flakes, and a mix of frozen pepper strips and frozen corn and broccoli. Yum. Had another plate just like it for lunch the next day.

1 comment:

Laura P said...

Looks yummy! My fave healthy item to bring to a BBQ is Reynold's wrap veggies for the grill... Cut up broccoli, carrots, zucchini, squash, peppers and season them with your fave spices... wrap them in a aluminum foil packet with 3-4ice cubes and place on your grill for about 20-25 minutes... yum

Happy BBQ season!